

About the Conference

In our increasingly interconnected and digital world, technology, especially information communication technology (ICT), has become indispensable tools for shaping the course of economic development. This conference aims to provide a platform for experts, scholars, and practitioners from diverse fields to converge and deliberate on the transformative potential of technology in fostering sustainable development globally. By exploring innovative applications, discussing policy implications, and sharing success stories, this conference seeks to not only showcase the pivotal role of technology in driving progress but also to identify opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange that can propel our nations towards a brighter and more digitally empowered future. 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership (sdgs.un.org/goals). As the world navigates complex challenges and opportunities, harnessing the power of technology is paramount in achieving inclusive, prosperous and sustainable development, making this conference an invaluable forum for advancing collective understanding and action in this crucial domain.

In this backdrop, Insight Institute of Management and Technology considers hosting a Research Conference – Insight International Research  Conference 2024 (IIRC2024) – on “Application of Technology in Sustainable Development”  a timely and imperative endeavour.

The Conference is organised by an internationally renowned team of academics, practitioners and industry experts. Two veteran academics /industry experts, one from Sri Lanka and the other from overseas, have been invited as key-note speakers.

The Conference will be fully online where guests and participants will interact virtually in a Zoom platform. Conference language will be English. 

Conference registration and participation is free with timely registration. 

Objectives of the Conference
Conference Tracks
Technology in Sustainable Development
Information and Communication Technology in Sustainable Development
Conference Participation

We request you to submit an abstract of your contribution and participate in the conference. Your abstract will be published in the IIRC2024 Conference Proceedings which will be disseminated as an e-publication with an ISSN number. All contributions will be subjected to blind review and considered on merit for inclusion in the conference. 

Abstracts must not exceed 400 words, outlining the research concept, focus, process and outcomes. 

Following scrutiny of abstracts by the Conference Committee, contributions suitable for presentation at the Conference will be identified, and contributors notified of the next steps to complete Conference registration and participation.

Guidelines for Submission of abstracts
Key Dates
15 NOVEMBER, 2023

We regret to inform that we are no longer accepting abstracts for IIRC2024.

To submit the abstract, please download the declaration form and the abstract template. Once you are ready to submit, you can either use the form below or email it to the following address:

Email: secretary-iirc2024@insightedu.lk

Registration opens on September 30, 2023, with the final deadline for abstract submissions now being November  15, 2023, at 23:59 hours.

Submission Form

Conference Chair

Lecturer, School of computing, Engineering and Physical sciences, University of the West of Scotland

United Kingdom 

Key Note Speakers

Reader (Associate Professor) in Robotics & Autonomous Vehicles. University of the West of Scotland

United Kingdom 

Senior Vice President TSFC Securities Public Company Limited 


Founder and MD,
Intelligent Solutions and Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd

Sri Lanka

Conference Committee

Executive Associate Dean for Research & Global Initiatives

Professor of Mechanical & Energy Engineering

School of Engineering & Technology, Purdue University in Indianapolis

United States of America

Director, Trichy Aerospace Private Limited 



Head, Department of Biosystem Technology,

Faculty of Technology, South Eastern University

Sri Lanka

Professor of Computer Science

ESOFT Metro Campus

Sri Lanka

Associate Professor

Department of Software Systems

Institute for Industry and International Programmes

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632014



Faculty of Technology,South Eastern University

Sri Lanka

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayawardanapura

Sri Lanka

Conference Secretary

Email: secretary-iirc2024@insightedu.lk

Mobile: +94 750 541 216